Elementary educational program for the children of Brick-field workers
Project Started on : 01/01/2010
Operated by

Uttaran is a project set up for the children of migrant labours working in brick kilns. Every year thousands and thousands of children migrate from one state to another state for their parent’s profession. Especially these children found either in brick-kiln, sugarcane factory or in different unorganised sector. There are two brick-kilns in Kalikapur village of Rajarhat Block of North 24 parganas. Nearly two hundred families migrate every year from the neighbouring state like Bihar, Jharkhand etc. Few of them (30%) come from India-Bangladesh border of Sundarban areas. Though these families spent most of the time out of their state for their profession, they forced to bring their small kids along with them. As a result, these children miss chances to get admission in any formal schools. This led them to be illiterate generation after generation.
In “Right To Education 2009” there is a clause for these children that receiving or originating state will take care of these children in absence of their parents. But due to lack of proper monitoring these children get deprived still after a decade of introducing this law.
Towards Future runs two-day care centre in these two brick-kilns for the kids between 3 to 14 years. Here we are trying to provide them elementary education in their own language. At the end of the session we give them a small snack. We are trying to communicate with the local concerned authorities as these children can get a better future or childhood.