Success Stories

BTF Wipro
On August 30th this year, our students of BTF Wipro Care Learning Center and BTF Kalyani attended a program called “Protsahan 2009” at Don Bosco. This is a cultural event organized by TCS Kolkata in collaboration with TCS Maitrayee, Educare and Don Bosco Parkcircus School. In this event more than fifteen NGOs participated. There were various types of events to perform.
Our children participated in Solo dance, Group Dance, Face painting, Sit-n-Draw, Picture Puzzle and Best out of waste events.
They managed to bag the prize of Best Disciplined Group among Seventeen organisations … and they are celebrating.

Rakibul Molla
Rakibul Molla is 12 years old and works in a grocery shop. His father is a daily wage labour and earns a little which is insufficient to run his family of five members. When Rakibul was in class II he was forced to drop his studies for the financial reason. His father put him in a grocery shop to have more income for their family requirements. Our members met the grocery owner and requested him to send Rakibul to our center. He agreed with our request. He is sending Rakibul after 12 o’clock
Rakibul is very regular and follows his studies sincerely. He is bright and intelligent. He ranked 1st position in the last exam. He secured 97% marks. He is requesting us to support him for further education and dreams to fulfill class X standard board exam as a private candidate. He does not want to stop his earning as it is essential for his family.

Biswajit Mondal
Biswajit Mondal dropped out from his school last year. He lives with his mother and two more brothers. His father went for second marriage and left these children. His mother works hard to meet up family requirements. No one is in their family to look after their education. Our teachers visited home regularly and tried to motivate Biswajit to come to school daily. In the beginning he was not regular and did not even know to write Bengali alphabets.
In the last assessment Biswajit performed very well and surprisingly he improved a lot. Now he can read the Bengali books and write all Bengali alphabets, spelling of small Bengali words and can write numbers from 1 to 100. He also knows small addition & subtraction. We are proud of Biswajit. He has mainstreamed in class III and dream to be in high school soon.